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Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: ma 13 aug 2012, 16:42
door zefyr
Praktisch apostolisch-zijn is ook de nevenactiviteiten van de woordvoerder van de NAK NL, in casu priester (?) Reinier van Markus, in de gaten houden.

Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: di 14 aug 2012, 08:01
door ACE
De woordvoerder van de NAK nl is niet meer dan een marionet die wordt gesouffleerd door PK.
RvM zit gevangen tussen diverse vuren en is een vleugellamme adelaar.

Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: di 14 aug 2012, 13:46
door BakEenEi
[Bijgewerkt: 23.30 uur]
zefyr schreef:Praktisch apostolisch-zijn is ook de nevenactiviteiten van de woordvoerder van de NAK NL, in casu priester (?) Reinier van Markus, in de gaten houden.


Wij mij intrigeert, is de titel van het boek: "De verblinde adelaar". Waarom verblind? Ik ga het met belangstelling lezen en kom er daarna op terug!

Ondertussen draag ik mijn verzamelde werken op het Internet op aan alle blinde haviken onder de aanbeden "zegenaars" van de internationale Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk en hun "dienstwillige dienstknechten".
Zie in deze samenhang tevens mijn berichten van respectievelijk "Za 21 Mei 2011, 10:30" in de thread "Levensbeschrijving Dap. Brinkmann" en "Vr 10 Aug 2012, 20:08" in de thread "Criticasters of opbouwwerkers?!". In het eerstgenoemde bericht wordt het handig in eigen beheer bij de Neuapostolischen Kirche Nordrhein-Westfalen K.d.ö.R. [in allerijl na de mislukte (tweede) Europese Informatieavond van 4 december 2007; BEE] totstandgekomen interview op 26 december 2007 -Kerstmis (!)- aangehaald met districtsapostel Armin Brinkmann in de zelfverkozen hoofdrol. Met grote gebaren zit deze ijdeltuit op te scheppen over zijn veelomvattende "bedrijfsactiviteiten", terwijl hij dan net -als een blinde havik- door eigen toedoen, zoals het achteraf zou blijken, 10 miljoen euro aan kerkelijk vermogen (!) heeft doorgesluisd naar een internationale oplichtersbende... Zo'n foutje (want: goed bedoeld) "móet kunnen" bij deze Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). Sinds 15 mei 2011 loopt ook bij de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk in Nederland iedereen hem blind achterna - tot aanstonds in de gevangenis, zij het tegen die tijd "slechts op bezoek". (...) Het klopt: "Als je niet weet waar je vandaan komt, is het moeilijk te weten waar je naartoe gaat." (...)
  • Afbeelding

    Adagium van de nieuw-apostolische ideologie op basis van wat er al bekend is over de op handen zijnde catechismus.
Blijkens een recent bij RELIGIONSREPORT verschenen artikel dragen apostel Rolf Wosnitzka en "aan diens zijde" de districtsoudste Dietmar Voigt (Gotha) het bovenstaande adagium al kamerbreed uit! „Wir müssen lernen, Unterschiede zu lieben“, zo werd er uit de "medebetuiging" opgetekend, alsmede - en daarmee kwalificeert deze districtsoudste zich regelrecht voor een havikachtige bestuursfunctie:
Weiter stellte der Leiter des Bezirkes Gotha das Lieben der Unterschiede in einen ökumenischen Zusammenhang: „Wir akzeptieren Unterschiede, wir tolerieren Unterschiede. Aber: Unterschiede in den Gemeinden, auch zwischen den Christen – Unterschiede wirklich zu lieben, das ist eine höhere Stufe.“ Ergänzend verwies er auf den Kontext des Predigttextes, in dem es auch heißt „lernet von mir“ (Mt. 11,29 LÜ). Von Jesus, so der Aufruf an die Gemeinde, könne man lernen, Unterschiede zu lieben.
Kortom: hoe meer verwarring er ontstaat over het evangelie van Jezus Christus, des beter zal dit "nach dem neuapostolischen Glaubensverständnis" tot haar recht komen... Lariekoek!!
  • [20] En Ik bid niet alleen voor dezen, maar ook voor degenen, die door hun woord in Mij geloven zullen.
    [21] Opdat zij allen één zijn, gelijkerwijs Gij, Vader, in Mij, en Ik in U, dat ook zij in Ons één zijn; opdat de wereld gelove, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt.
    [22] En Ik heb hun de heerlijkheid gegeven, die Gij Mij gegeven hebt; opdat zij één zijn, gelijk als Wij Eén zijn;
    [23] Ik in hen, en Gij in Mij; opdat zij volmaakt zijn in één, en opdat de wereld bekenne, dat Gij Mij gezonden hebt, en hen liefgehad hebt, gelijk Gij Mij liefgehad hebt.

    Uit: Johannes 17 (SV)


Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: zo 19 aug 2012, 12:14
door BakEenEi

Terwijl het bestelde boek in het logistieke traject nog ergens onderweg is, van mijn kant nog het volgende. Ik ben echt benieuwd naar wat de Schotse predikant H.C. Whitley over Edward Irving te zeggen heeft en ik hoop te begrijpen waarom Reinier van Markus de moeite nam om er een vertaling van te maken. Wanneer ikzelf een enkele keer -vanuit het Duits- iets vertaalde, was dat meestal omdat ik zo veel belang hechtte aan wat mijzelf als het ware had gegrepen, dat ik er graag moeite voor deed om het met anderen te kunnen delen. Bijvoorbeeld vorig jaar in februari het artikel van de districtsoudste in ruste Frank Preusse, "Zwijgen heeft zo zijn tijd - spreken evenzeer!". Ook toen handelde het in feite over waar wij in ons geloof vandaan komen en waar wij naartoe (willen) gaan. Frank Preusse was daar -al jarenlang- flink bezorgd over. Daarom volgde hij bij de nieuw-apostolische kerkleiding bepaalde ontwikkelingen op de voet. Ik herkende mij hierin. Dat later het grove kerkpolitieke (!) optreden van districtsapostel Klingler en stamapostel Leber tegenover Thomas Feil, die hem als districtsvoorganger in de regio Hannover-Nord was opgevolgd, voor deze niet te verdragen was en hij de kerk mede in het belang van diens gezondheid hierna binnen de kortste keren wel móest verlaten, zal bij Frank Preusse het (onbegrensde) vertrouwen in "de hand van leiding" binnen de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk vast niet hebben versterkt. Thomas Feil was de zoveelste onbeschroomde gelovige (vgl. Hebreeën 10: 35) die de "zegenaars" als een baksteen lieten vallen. Dat het zo kon uitpakken, was helaas te voorzien. Zie de thread Deining in Duitsland over "Kirchenverständnis". Na zo'n tragisch voorval gaat men in de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk met het grootste gemak weer over tot de orde van de dag. Thomas Feil had volgzamer en gehoorzamer moeten zijn. "Wat hem en zijn gezin is overkomen heeft hij aan zichzelf te wijten."

Zie hieromtrent ook het redactionele bericht op "Di 29 Nov 2011, 18:07 in de thread "De koopman wint het van de dominee - houd de dief!"

Weten wij al écht waar wij vandaan komen?! Was er geen "nieuw verbond" voorzegd en al daadwerkelijk gesloten? Voor mij hét vertrekpunt!


Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: za 25 aug 2012, 14:50
door BakEenEi
[Bijgewerkt: 21.30 uur]
BakEenEi schreef:[Bijgewerkt: 23.30 uur]
zefyr schreef:Praktisch apostolisch-zijn is ook de nevenactiviteiten van de woordvoerder van de NAK NL, in casu priester (?) Reinier van Markus, in de gaten houden.


Wij mij intrigeert, is de titel van het boek: "De verblinde adelaar". Waarom verblind? Ik ga het met belangstelling lezen en kom er daarna op terug!


Uit: Bericht door BakEenEi op "Di 14 Aug 2012, 13:46"

Inmiddels ontving ik het boek en heb ik het gelezen. Conclusie: in de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk is men terug bij AF. Het feest in 2013 over een vermeend 150-jarig jubileum hoeft dus niet door te gaan.
Citaat 1, een voetnoot van P.E. Shaw:
  • Bijna dertig jaar na Irvings dood werd Carlyle bezocht door een Amerikaan en natuurlijk werd tijdens het gesprek de naam van Irving genoemd. "Mijn arme vriend Irving", riep hij uit en barstte uit in een verheven monoloog, "men dacht dat hij gek was, maar hij was verblind. Ik heb gehoord dat de adelaar verblind wordt door in de zon te staren zonder bescherming. Dus Irving probeerde te doen wat geen mens mag doen: staren in de heldendaad van de godheid. Zo overviel hem de blindheid." (pag. 41)
Citaat 2, van Edward Irving, ontleend aan diens Inleiding op 'Het komen van de Messias in heerlijkheid en majesteit' door Emanuelo Lacunza (1731-1801):
  • (...) de mens worstelt met zijn huidige slavernij, om weer bezit van zichzelf te nemen, het uitvoeren van het huispriesterschap. (...) Rechtvaardigheid, dat is het eerste dat mensen op een of andere manier moeten zien te realiseren met elkaar. (pag. 63)
Citaat 3, uit de Epiloog van Reinier van Markus:
  • Binnen veel kerkverbanden wordt het niet gewaardeerd om opbouwende, kritische vragen te stellen bij zaken die wellicht vanuit een bepaalde traditie al jarenlang als normaal verondersteld worden en tot het betreffende geloofsgoed behoren. Norbert Greinacher beschrijft een dergelijke houding treffend als volgt: "Een kerk die geen plaats heeft voor individuen, groepen en bewegingen die de status quo kritisch bevragen, die zich beroepen op de oorspronkelijk wet van de kerk en de structuren van de kerk bekritiseren ter wille van een betere toekomst, die scherpe vragen stellen en nieuwe taken op zich nemen - een kerk die zulke personen en groepen opzij en zelfs uit de kerk zet, die confrontatie met zulke groepen en tendensen uit de weg gaat, kan zich niet beroepen op Jezus van Nazareth en op de eerste kerk. Ze pleegt verraad tegenover de Heer." (pag. 131-132)
Edward Irving had het hart op de juiste plek zitten en, als het ging om het geloof in het evangelie van Jezus Christus, hij bezat de moed om zijn rug recht te houden. Zie overigens voor diens verzamelde werken: Verder is er het proefschrift van Peter Elliott over Edward Irving: Romantic Theology in Crisis (2010), Murdoch University.

Reinier van Markus, dank voor de vertaling!


Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: za 25 aug 2012, 19:57
door BakEenEi

Wat trouwens op mij een diepe indruk maakte is wat in de vertaling van Reinier van Markus op de pagina's 66 t/m 69 wordt verteld over de zogenaamde Ordination Charge, de prediking van Irving voor diens vriend Hugh Baillie MacLean** wanneer deze wordt gewijd tot ambtsdrager in de Church of Scotland. Op het Internet heb ik gezocht naar de originele tekst:

REVEREND SIE, and very dear Brother in the Ministry
of the Gospel of Christ, — Of all the offices which are
sustained in this world, you have now, by the solemn ordi-
nance of the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery, been
set apart to the most burdensome and responsible : of all
the churches called Christian, you have this day chosen to
take upon you the vows of the most severe and uncompro-
mising : and, I may add, that you have accepted a call,
and are now ordained to labour, in the most difficult portion
of the vineyard of the Lord. Therefore gird up your loins
like a man ; and hear me while I set forth at length what
the Church of Scotland expecteth at your hands in this city,
wherein she hath invested you with the sacred character of
a minister. And that I may keep order in my charge, I shall
present it to j'ou under these five heads : — first, the student
or scholar; secondly, the preacher or minister; thirdly, the
; fourthly, the churchman ; and fifthly, the man.

First, then, vaj brother, be instructed of one who rather
needeth to be instructed himself than to administer instruc-
tion to any, that the Church expecteth thee to grow in all
knowledge and in all wisdom, as thou growest in years;


not to forget anght whicli thou hast learned in thy youth,
but to increase the store thereof, in all kinds which may
be profitable to thy ministry, but especially in the Holy
Scriptures, and the qualifications for the sacred ofiice, in
which thy proficiency before the Presbytery hath appeared.
Tor we have no examining chaplains, as hath our sister
Church, for taking trials of those who desire licence to
preach, or ordination to a charge ; and the order of doctor,
which our Church constituted for the searching of deep
learning and the handling of difficult questions, has become
a mere nominal title ; and there are no fellowship endow- '
ments in our Universities to preserve a separate order of
learned men : so that each one of us ministers and pastors
hath to support the burden of the learning and scholarship
of our Church, This you must set yourself to do as a
part of your bonnden duty, perfecting yourself in the know-
ledge of the original tongues, and applying yourself to the
critical study of the Scriptures ; in order that you may be
equal to any disputation which you may be called to main-
tain with the Jew, the Papist, the infidel, the heretic, and
the schismatic ; who are best foiled from the Scriptures
themselves. I know that you have apprehended that
peculiar structure of the Scriptures, which I call the 'pro-
phetic mctJiod of Divine truth, always to foretell and to fulfil
and to further its own growth unto the end ; whereby the
Bible, though consisting of many pieces at different times
composed, doth manifest itself to every wise scholar to be
the one word of that omniscient God to whom time past,
present, and to come are alike. Besides the careful study
of the structure of the Book itself, in order to be con-
vinced of its oneness and Divine original, I charge you to
become acquainted with the history of the Church, both
of the election and the apostasy, which in Holy Writ is
brought down to the apostles' times, and elsewhere scat-
tered up and down till our times. In doing this, you will
perfect j^ourself in the history of the nations ; which are
but the apostasy of the patriarchal religion, as the ten
tribes were of the Jewish, and the Papacy is of the


Christian. ^Vhence it comelh to pass, that the mysteries,
and Sibylline books, and popular fables of Polytheis;m are
but patriarchal revelations disguised : whence also the
Lord continued a certain light of prophec}' amongst the na-
tions, and commissioned His prophets, and sent His apostles
to them. Besides this large generosity of God to the whole
world, there is a j^ortion of it which hath kept the seed
that was more plentifully scattered therein, to the history
of which you will most diligently attend, as it hath been
successively possessed and overruled by the four monarchies
of Daniel, under the last of which the world still holdeth
together, though ready to be dissolved. My brother, take
this book of the world's history, not Grotius, or Paley, or
Lardner, for the book of evidences to be perused by your
mind, and as there is occasion, to be opened to your people.
And next to this history of the fact and growth of revela-
tion, I pray thee dear brother, to give all diligence to the
study and learning of truth, spiritual or metaphysical, in
order, that by looking narrowly into the many-sided spirit
of man, and its erroneous tendencies to heresy, schism,
will-worship, and idolatry, thou may est learn a due caution
of thyself, and a right value for the orthodox creed of the
Church, which thou must defend against all gainsayers.
Oh, study the history of the orthodox faith, and talk not
like an ignorant sectary against creeds, but study thou the
errors into which Satan hath deluded the believer, that
thou mayest be aware of, and guarded against, his wiles.
And, moreover, make thyself acquainted with the history
of the Christian apostasy, I mean the Papacy ; for thou
shalt find therein every truth and ordinance of the Primi-
tive Church, though immured as it were in a Babel of
superstition. Brother, know that abomination, and be not
silent against it; for it is the abominable thing which
God hateth, and which thou must hate if thou at all lovest
the Church of Christ. These studies which I have noticed
are within our province, and must at no rate be neglected
If thou art able to pass beyond, I warn thee against criticism,
which is the region of pride and malice, — and invite thee to


physiology, which, is the science of life in all its forms and
conditions, and of philology, which is the science of words,
the forms of human thought. I charge thee, my brother, to
arm thyself for the warfare which thou hast to wage from
this place against the materialism, the Socinianism, the
deism, and the latitudinarianism which are come up against
this city, and have overflowed it even unto the neck. Make
not thyself a mere sermon-maker, or a talker, or a de-
claimer, or a clerk of religious accounts, or a committee-
man, or a polite payer of visits, or a drudge of any kind.
Seek thy God in thy closet and in thy study; be alone for
hours together ; be fervent in prayer and meditation ;
commune with the prophets, and the apostles, and the
saints, and the martyrs, and Jesus, the Author and Finisher
of our faith. Do so, I chai'ge thee, that the Church may
not be ashamed of thy ignorance or unprofitableness, but
rejoice in thee as a good and skilful soldier who knows to
defend and to attack on every side of the city of our Zion.

Secondly, In thy capacity of a preacher or minister of the
gospel, I charge thee, as a steward of the mysteries of
Christ, to know those ordinances which are entrusted to
thy administration. The several parts of public worship
thou hast to conduct without the help of any service-book
or curate ; no form to guide thee, which I hope thou wilt
never need nor desire to have. brother, what a weight
lieth upon a minister's shoulders ; and what need of largest
knowledge and most patient study hath he above all men !
—First, then, concerning those Psalms, of which I would
not forego one out of the collection for all the paraphrases,
hymns, and spiritual songs of these Methodistical times.
Thou must taste and deeply drink into the spirit of them,
and open them to the flock and congregation ; for praise
without the understanding is praise without the heart, not
l^leasant in the ear of God. If thou shouldest find it
necessary to open the Psalms a little by way of preface, in
order to point out Christ and the Church and the kingdom
in them, thou wilt do well : they are the essence of Divine
truth, the divinest of the inspirations of the Spirit, uj^on


N\ liicli I charge thee to admit no raodern innovations, and
ill their stead to take no modern substitutes. And stir tlie
people up to love and relish them, w^hich is best done by
loading them to know and understand them. — Secondly, thy
prayers. brother, what a burden is laid upon th}' spirit,
to offer in such a time as this the prayers of the Christian
Church : for remember thou pray not for thy people alone,
nor for the presbytery alone, nor for the Kirk of Scotland
alone, but for the holy catholic Church, and communion of
saints; and remember we have not four separate prayers,
but as it were four parts of prayer, which together make
up the Liturgy of our Sabbath-day. Thou must not indulge
the people by saying the same thing twice over, one for the
forenoon company, and the other for the afternoon company,
who can make it convenient to attend. It is a day's service,
a Sabbath's sacrifice ; divided as thou best may. Oh, it is
an onerous charge, my brother, this of public prayer ; I
cannot tell thee how it weighs my spirit down : and I give
it in charge to thee to make this part of the ministry thine
especial care. Our Church loveth that it should be ex-
tempore, and it is best that it should be so ; but oh, fill
the fountains of thy spirit every week by secret devotion,
and painful meditation, and solemn, careful thought of all
things. Preaching cometh next in order, which is as it
were the food and nourishment of all the rest, the foolish-
ness of God which is wiser than the wisdom of men, the
royal ordinance of the kingdom. Here put forth all thy
knowledge, all thy wisdom, all thy strength of manhood,
with all the gifts and graces of the Divine nature. Take
thy liberty : occupy thy commission : beat down the enemies
of the Lord; wound and heal; break down and build up
again. Be of no school ; give heed to none of their rules
and canons. Take thy liberty, be fettered by no times,
accommodate no man's conveniency, spare no man's pre-
judice, yield to no man's inclinations, though thou should
scatter all thy friends, and rejoice all thine enemies.
Preach the gospel : not the gospel of the last age, or of
this age, but the everlasting gospel j not Christ crucified


merely, but Christ risen : not Christ risen merely, but
Christ present in the Spirit, and Christ to be again present
in person. Dost thou take heed to what I say ? Preach
thy Lord in humiliation, and thy Lord in exaltation : and
not Christ only, but the Father, the will of the Father.
Keep not thy people banqueting, but bring thein out to do
battle for the glory of God and of His Church : to which
end thou shalt need to preach them the Holy Ghost, who is
the strength of battle. And hark ye, brother, be not afraid
in these days, to be called Antinomian ; but preach the
gospel freely. Let the sectarian ignorance and malice of
this city box the whole comjiass of heresy with thee as
they have done with me, in order to find thy true course ;
but still while they are blaming and blaspheming be thou
preaching the offices of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Ghost, in the salvation of poor sinners. And take a long
and a strong pull at the work : if they will measure thee,
let it be by the hours and not by the minutes. We must
lift the barriers up, brethren, and beat the sentinels back,
and make room, and make large room, if we would have
any use of our weapons, or profit of the fight. — Lastly,
come the sacraments, which I pray thee to study from the
Scriptures, or any author older than a century ; but at thy
peril from any later ; and give no heed to what is talked
upon baptism and the Lord's supper in these clear-headed
times. Brother, to my certain knowledge the atmosphere
of theology hath been so long clear and cloudless, that
there hath been neither mist nor rain these many years :
and even to talk of a mystery is out of date. But thou
must preach Christ in a mystery, and shew the very great
mysteries of godliness, especially of these two sacraments.
Get thee out of this bright sunshine of the intellect, and
meditate the deep mysteries of the Spirit, which the natural
man perceiveth not. When they talk of plainness and
perspicuity, to thy text, m}' brother : to thy warfare of
prayer and meditation ; try the depths ; sound with thy
deepest line, my brother. Oh, I charge thee enter into
the mysteries of these two sacraments : if I should hear


of thee setting them forth as bare and naked signs, I will
be the first to charge thee with a most dangerous error.
Fill these vessels with spiritual water : awaken the faith
of the people ; let them come to them in earnest faith, not
in empty ignorance ; in mysterious expectation and assur-
ance of God's spiritual blessing; not in a clearheaded
belief that nothing is to be expected or to be received.

brother, if I were to tell thee what fniit of my ministry

1 have had from these two sacraments, thou wouldest not
be surprised at the zeal with which my discourse doth
clothe itself.

And now I come to the third head of this charge — the
pastoral, which I begin by telling thee, that thou wilt find
the very idea of it departed and lost in this city ; for a
certain idea of society and companionship which is totally
fruitless of any spiritual good. But thou must recover it
as thou wouldst answer to the great Shepherd of the sheep.
Of which office, give me heed, it is the first part to give
thy benediction unto the flock, to bless them, men, women,
and children, at thy meetings and at thy partings ; not
with light words, but with a bishop's blessing. This ig
old-fashioned, my brother, but I am speaking to the mi-
nister of an old-fashioned church, which heretofore had no
other custom : and, moreover, our fathers would not break
bread without a solemn word of prayer which would weary
a congregation in these times. If thou neglect this, and
allow Satan to have the first word, he will have the last,
and for the most part he will have the whole. Be thou
the pastor always ; less than the pastor never. Go thus,
or go not at all. Thou art an ordained minister from
henceforth : thou art a shepherd of the people. Be thou
then a bishop. Because thou hast no palace, no, nor even
house of thine own to dwell in, thou hast the more need to
defend thyself from being misconstrued into a clerk or a
school-boy. Dost thou hear what I say ? I have met with
more insolence from Scottish lads conceiving me a mere
Scottish lad, and Scottish men of substance conceivino- me
a Scottish adventurer, than from the peers and princes of


this realm. I will not call thee brother, if thou force not
thy people to regard thee as their pastor. When thou
gdest to visit thy people, take an elder with thee, and by
no means excuse his not attending, and teach the people to
receive it as an honour done them by the rulers of the
church : and when thou visitest the sick, do the same.
Consult a common time convenient for the elder and thy-
self. But this is not enough ; thy people must come to
thee, and seek thy counsel and thy prayers. Have no
idlers about thee : have no spare time : if they come, they
come for holy ends ; if not, they had better not come at
all. And thou wilt have to lament how few do come near
thee for spiritual counsel or instruction, and how many
complain that thou comest not near them in an easy way,
to pass an hour, and so forth. But go not for any such
ends of pastime. Hearest thou what I say ? At no rate
go for any such ends. Thou wilt find the day too short
for serious duties : at night thou wilt find how few prayers
thou hast offered, how few texts considered, how few
duties discharged. But if any say, Eemember me in thy
prayers ; make a note of that, and forget it not : or if he
say, Pray for me in such a distress, forget it not. O
brother, I know from experience what difficulties abide
thee in this field : gird up thy loins, and contend with
them like a man. As the office of a shepherd is to everj-
sheep of his flock, so is thine to all this people, who have
called thee to be their pastor, whose call thou hast ac-
cepted : whose love and desire each for the other we have
this day solemnly ratified and joined. Thou must be
willing to give thy life for every one of them, to wash
their feet, to minister to them in health and in sickness, in
wealth and in poverty, in good and in bad report. For
why ? because they are the Lord's — because they are the
flock of Christ which He hath purchased with His own
blood. Feed them, my brother ; tend them, my brother;
shew forth unto them a shepherd's care : and be assured
that the chief Shepherd, when He shall appear, will give
thee a crown of glory which fadeth not away. Then the


flock will yield increase ; and they will make thee good
return : thou shalt eat of their milk, and be filled with
their fatness : thoii shalt be clothed with their fleece, and
thou shalt bless the day wherein thou first tookest a sheep-
hook and pastoral staff into thy hand. Eemember what is
written of this pastoral oflSce by the prophet Ezekiel, to
which I refer thee, for I must hasten, seeing I would fain
lay before thee, in this brief compass, the fvill measure of a
Scottish presbyter's office, that my heart may be discharged
of the love it bears thee, and our mother Church may be
satisfied with me in the office which she hath this day
appointed me to bear.

Fourtlihj, I would charge thee with thy duty as a church-
man ! that is, an ordained minister of the Kirk of Scotland,
whom the presbytery have this day taken bound by solemn
obligation to maintain the doctrine, discipline, government,
and laws thereof, which thou must study, imbuing thyself
with the spirit of our reformers, and martyrs, and cove-
nanters, and looking through the cloud of the Papal apos-
tasy into the Presbj'terian discipline and primitive worship
of the Culdees. Thou art this day honoured to be a minister
of the most primitive Church under heaven, not excepting
the Waldenses or the Albigenses : for though the apostasy
had possession of the court of Scotland for about three
centuries, it never had possession of the whole land ; in the
western fastnesses of which the true fire continued to live
upon the altar. I pray thee, brother, to remember this day
that thou art the member of a Church which hath oft
covenanted together for the purity of Christian policy to
testify against all Papal and Prelatical invasions ; which
God built up in the whirlwind, and strengthened in the
midst of the storm. Thou wilt hear much idle and ignorant
talk about the Church of Christ, as if in speaking of the
Kirk of Scotland or the Church of England, we spake not
of the Church of Christ. Turn a deaf ear to their envious
prattle, and tell them that the Lord himself addresseth His
seven churches by their several names, and giveth them
instructions according to their diverse conditions. This is


the language in which they are wont covertly to speak
against Established Churches : for they are come to the
condition of not being able to bear the establishment of
religion, to foster which our fathers, with the exception of
a handful, did unanimously teach to be the first duty of the
civil magistrate. Thou must not lose thyself in the tossing
waves of opinion, which waste all things in this city ; but
stand upon the stable rock on which the fathers rested.
Thoii art this day one of a body : in the presbytery we
expect of thee obedience to the statutes which we obey :
in thy session, we expect of thee to rule and moderate all
things according to the laws of the Church. Thou art not
thine own master, that thou shouldest flinch in anything
from that model of church government which God hath
blessed to us and to our fathers. We hinder thee not from
brotherly commixnion with all who are not of the apos-
tasy, with all of the Church rooted and grounded in the
faith of the Lord's divinity, and calling Him, and Him
only. Head. But against those who deny His divinity,
(these are the true Antichrists,)— against those who have
given His glory to another, pope, virgin, or saint, (these
are the apostasy,) — thou must contend unto the death. As
a churchman, thou owest brotherly love to the Church of
England, such as the church of Philippi did to the church of
Ephesus, and both to the church of Jerusalem ; but thou
owest also rebuke and reproof for her backslidings in doc-
trine and discipline ; which also she oweth to us : and
both debts of love must be discharged. To the Noncon-
formists also, who hold sound doctrine, thou owest brotherly
love ; and rebuke and reproof also thou owest them for
their uncharitable spirit towards us and all Establishments.
To the Papacy, and to the Socinian, thou owest no mercy.
Unfold their vileness, cry against them with all thy might.
Superstition on the one hand, liberality on the other, (for
that sign of the prophet is accomplishing now when the
churl is called liberal,) — I say, brother, superstition on the
one hand, and liberality on the other, thou must fight
against with the two-dedi2;ed sword of the faith. Our


Chuich hath waned a good warfare against the former : if
she will now war as good a warfare against the latter, the
Lord will still continue His favour unto her. Thou
knowest, brother, thou well dost know, the sei-pent-cunning
of this liberal spirit. Be wiser than it is, be more harmless
than it professeth to be, (but it is deadly poison against
Christ ; ) put on thine armour of divine intelligence, and
contend against it as a churchman, as a member of Christ's
Church, as a presbyter of the Kirk of Scotland. Brother,
that liberality is killing our children ; it hath already slain
its tens of thousands of the children of the Scottish Church
in this metropolis ; and thou must divest it and expose it
Wilt thou not biing out the complete armour of religion
against the irreligiousness of liberality. Then I tell thee
God will not o-^Ti thy ministry in this city ; for this city is
sick unto death, and dying of the mortal wounds which she
hath received fnim it. God called thee to this metropolitan
city, and hath planted thee here by a wonderful providence :
therefore look to it, my brother, and do thy Master som©
service herein. If thou thinkest to build up this dis-
mantled Church, by merely fulfilling the office of a minister
and pastor to the people in this house assembling, thou
dost miserably err, I tell thee thou art not merely the
minister of London Wall Church, but thou art a presbyter
of the Kirk of Scotland, to combine thine endeavours with
the presbytery for gathering our poor countrymen preyed
'on by Satan under the giiise of liberality. Thou art a
Churchman of the holy catholic Church, to take up the
cross of Christ and fight the good fight against the devil,
the world, and the fle>h, in all their forms : thou art a
prophet to cry aloud to the Ninevites, to this Babylon, which,
after enjo^'ing the light of God so long, is now beginning to
deny that it was from Christ that light of God did come. For
thy duties as a churchman, I refer thee to Christ's instruc-
tions to the angels of the seven chiarches : and I proceed.

Lastly, To speak to thee of thy duties as a man ; for this
is the basis upon which all the other forms of character are
built, and thou must give good heed to it. I speak not of


the natural form of man which thon art of, for this thot;
hast crucified with Christ, and it must live no longer ; hut
I speak of those many functions which the new man hath
to discharge towards those to whom we are related by other
ties than the ministerial, or the pastoral, or the ecclesiasti-
cal, — to friends and to acquaintance, to servants, to men in
general, and to the society of which thou art a member, and
to the civil polity of which thou art a subject. For the
present, thou must dwell, like a wayfaring man, in a lodg-
ing ; but I trust thou wilt soon be master of thine own
house, to give thy people a pattern of household govern-
ment, as Joshua resolved to do, and as every bishop and
every elder is required to do. Thou wilt keep hospitality ;
and accumulate riches at thy peril. Oh, if thou grow
rich, — oh, if thou shouldst die rich, I will be ashamed of
thee. Look at the hard hearts of rich men ; look at their
vain self-importance ; look at their contempt of Christ ; and
pray, oh earnestly pray, to be kept from that greatest
snare. Thy cloak and thy parchments, brother, — that is,
thy decent apparel and thy books, — ^be these thy riches,
and then thou canst speak out against Mammon, and tell
those men of thousands and tens of thousands, whom thou
art surrounded with, what they should do with their
treasures. If thou spare them, God will not spare thee. I
give thee it in charge this day, that thou reprove them and
their accumulations sharpl3\ Keep thou hospitality. Shew
thou to lordly prelates what the word bishop meaneth.
Shew thou to substantial citizens what the word hospitality
meaneth. Shew thou to rich men what the word charity
meaneth ; and to all, what faith meaneth. Go thou out as poor
a man as thou came in ; and let them bury thee when thou
diest. And if God should bless thee with a wife and children,
put no money in the bank for them, but write prayers in the
record of the book of life : be this thy bank of faith ; be
this thy exchange, even the providence of God ; and let
the lords of thy treasury be the prophets and the apostles
who went before thee. my brother, be zealous for the
good primitive customs of the Church : abjure thou the


prudential maxims of this metallic age. Oh, be thou a
man far above this world, living by faith in the world to
come like one of the elders who have obtained a good
report. Be thou of a bold countenance and a lion heart,
of a single eye and a simple spirit : otherwise Satan will
soon hedge thee in and mow thee up ; he will come to thee
as a counsellor, but we of the presbytery, whose voice I
now speak, are thy counsellors : he will come to thee as
a threatener; but who dare meddle with thee who are
Christ's anointed minister? he will come to thee as a
flatterer; be thou therefore honest and self-denied. If thou
do thy duty, as I trust thou wilt, thy dearest friends will
come to warn thee, and will exceedingly afflict thee by
their apprehensions ; but thou art not to be seduced
by friends, being this day charged by the whole Church
of Christ to be ftiithful unto Christ, and to no other allegi-
ance. The time is coming, yea, now is, when thou mayest
have to testify against wickedness in high places, as did
the fathers of the Church : and thou must, and then there
will come about thine ears such a hurricane of stormy
voices ; but, like Elijah, thou must stand in the cleft of
the rock till it passeth by. But, if thou hast any floating
interest, if thou hast any selfish end, canst thou stand all
this, my brother ? no, thou wilt shrink and yield every
limb of thee. If thou art not ready to die, get ready
as fast as thou mayest ; for the soldier in the battle who
is not ready to die hath two enemies to fight: and if
thou be not ready to die for Christ, thou mayest have
a hundred ; but if thou be ready to die for Christ thou
hast but one, who is emphatically ilie enemy, against whom,
that all thine energies may be collected, give this daj' all
interests, all afi'ections, all gains, all talents, all things unto
the Lord, and count them but as dung that thou mayest
win Christ. What the Lord Jesus, who was followed by a
multitude, did say to them indiscriminately, I may well
turn round and say to thee His soldier, His captain of
a hundred, yet, I trust, to be His captain of a thousand, —
"He that would be my disciple must hate father and


mother, and sister, and wife, and children, and house*
and lands, and his own life also, — must take up his cross,
and follow me."

And now, what sayest thou ? Who is sufficient for these
things ? Thou art, Christ strengthening thee ; and thinkest
thou Christ will be wanting to thee ? No, verily. He
never sendeth any one a warfare on his own charges. Thou
mayest be wanting unto Christ, but never will Christ be
wanting unto thee. But what assurance have I, dost thou
say ? The same which the apostles had, the same which
the seventy had, the same which Titus and Timothy and
the primitive pastors had, — that Holy Spirit which de-
scended at Pentecost, which hath been present in the
Church, which is now present in it, and freely accessible
to us all, for all the powers and offices which Christ's
members in their several offices shall be accountable. And
hast thou not this day been set apart by the highest symbol,
even the laying on of hands? Is that a symbol sym-
bolising nothing ? No ! it symboliseth every form of the
Spirit which Timothy or Titus had. There is now a gift
in thee as surely as there was a gift in Timothy, by the
laying on of the hands of the presbytery. And neglect it
not, neglect not the gift of prL'phecy that is in thee by the
laying on of our hands. Thou hast a Spirit this day sealed
upon thee by the hoi}' ordinance of the Church, which
Paul describe th unto Timothy to be, " not the Spirit of
fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." Thou
are not one of the demi-infidels who believe that those
ordinances of Christ's appointment are but naked signs.
Thou knowest for what thou art this day made responsible ;
thou knowest what a gift Christ hath this day bestowed
upon thee. We have not laid hands suddenly on thee ;
we have made full pioof of thy ministry, of thy doctrine,
of thy life. W^e have this day observed the ordinance of
the Church blamelessly. And we believe that Christ will
honour His own holy ordinance, to communicate thereby
those same gifts of the Spirit which he did communicate
in the days of old unto His faithful bishops. Wherefore


1 have ptit thee in remembrance, that thou stir up the
gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of our
hands. That good thing which was committed unto thee
keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us. I give
thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all
things; and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius
Pilate witnessed a good confession ; that thou keep this
commandment without spot unrebukeable until the ap-
pearing of our Lord Jesus Christ; which in his times
He will shew, " who is the blessed and only potentate,
the King of kings, and Lord of lords ; who only hath im-
mortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach
unto, whom no man hath seen, nor can see : to whom be
honour and power everlasting." Amen.

Bron: ... i_djvu.txt

** "His heretical opinions brought him before the Church Courts and his licence was suspended, 1831". Bron: ... asti#cite1.
  • Afbeelding

    Bron: Pastoral letter from the Scotch Presbytery in London, addressed to the Baptized of the Scottish Church (1828)

Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: za 25 aug 2012, 22:26
door BakEenEi

Zowel Irving als MacLean botste met de "gestaalde kaders" in hun kerk. Of de impliciete boodschap van Reinier van Markus hierdoor nu is "Doe dát dus in elk geval niet!", betwijfel ik, maar tegelijkertijd zie ik voor hem in de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk, gezien de op dit Forum noodzakelijkerwijs bekritiseerde praktijken van haar almachtige bestuurders, geen enkel toekomstperspectief. Deze kerk wordt namelijk werkelijk op de verkeerde manier geleid, onchristelijk (!), door bazen en bovenbazen. Volgens mij heeft er nog nooit zó "de klad" in gezeten als het juist op het ogenblik het geval is. Er is geen redden meer aan. In een redactioneel artikel werd getracht "de werksfeer" te typeren:
Redactie schreef:
Wij weten het, beste lezers, "nach dem neuapostolischen Glaubensverständnis" zijn wij geteisem. Wij hadden moeten doen alsof God naast de uitbating van bijvoorbeeld "Eimersstaete" in Arnhem ook de exploitatie van Zijn werk exclusief had gegund aan het internationale bestuur van de Nieuw-Apostolische Kerk: "Beste God, terwijl u in alle rust verder bouwt aan de nieuwe hemel en de nieuwe aarde, laat die Ouwe Zooi gewoon aan ons over. Dan heeft u geen gezeur aan het hoofd. Wij trouwens ook niet want kinderen die vragen worden door ons overgeslagen. Dus God, wij redden ons er wel mee. Het komt helemaal goed, maar geef wel een seintje als uw zoon er aan komt want dan zorgen wij dat keurig netjes de juiste mensen vooraan staan! Wekelijks oefenen wij daar al mee en, al zeggen wij het zelf, het gaat ons prima af. Zie verder onze website."

Denkt u, beste lezers, dat stamapostel Leber op zaterdag 30 april jl., toen hij onze broeders en zusters met een handicap (!) voorhield...
  • Es seien wichtige Voraussetzungen zu erfüllen, um getröstet werden zu können.
... zich goed genoeg bewust was van wat in ons land in 1543 de voorouders van "de kleyne luyden" al wél geloofden?
  • "Nooit kan 't geloof te veel verwachten!" - "Wat zou ooit Zijne macht beperken?"
Geef maar geen antwoord.


Uit: Bericht door Redactie op "Zo 08 Mei 2011, 20:08" in de thread "Außerhalb der von uns erkannten Ordnungen... "
Ikzelf wilde mijn leven er niet langer aan vergooien; aan het zoeken naar wegen om aan de machtspolitiek van de hoogmogende heren, waarvoor dag-in dag-uit alles en iedereen moet wijken, op de kerkvloer nog enigszins te ontkomen. De regels die ze maken gelden alleen voor de onderworpenen aan hun ingebeelde gezag. De verdorvenheid bij de "ambtelijke top" valt met geen pen te beschrijven. Hoewel er op dit Forum een poging werd gewaagd om het spreekwoordelijke topje van de ijsberg zichtbaar te maken, willen de laatste ongelovigen blijkbaar eerst de voorzienbare ramp meemaken die ze al vrijwel aanstonds te wachten staat. Niet voor niets is de herbergzaamheid zoek.


Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: di 02 okt 2012, 17:14
door WebTeam

Zie ... id-348.htm!

Kan deze baanbrekende saamhorigheid niet tevens werkelijkheid worden vanuit de nieuw-apostolische kerkgemeente in... Hoorn? En dan niet eenmalig, doch bestendig voortgaande; door roeien en ruiten.

Het WebTeam

Reinier van Markus roept op tot samenwerking met GvAC

Geplaatst: wo 26 dec 2012, 21:27
door zefyr
Priester Reinier van Markus (NAK Hoorn) roept in de media op tot samenwerking met de Gemeente van Apostolische Christenen (afgekort GvAC). ... vernieuwen

De vraag is of hij ook de NAK-leiding tot de orde heeft geroepen en heeft opgeroepen tot herstel van vertrouwen, geloofwaardigheid en waarachtigheid in relatie tot de GvAC...?

Re: Reinier van Markus, woordvoerder en...lekenprediker

Geplaatst: wo 26 dec 2012, 22:33
door ACE
@Zefyr, BEE
Priester Reinier van Markus (NAK Hoorn) roept in de media op tot samenwerking met de Gemeente van Apostolische Christenen (afgekort GvAC).
Van Markus is er inmiddels ook achter dat er geen enkele dialoog mogelijk is met de NAK leiding.
Halsstarrig en rigide blijft de NAK volharden aan haar exclusiviteitsclaim. Iedere andere Christelijke kerk moet buigen.
Met nota bene een vertaling (dus verdieping) achter de rug, en oproep via de media om de NAK te bewegen tot souplesse, zet van Markus zichzelf op ramkoers!!

Hij zal langzaam maar zeker te pletter varen op de NAK krachtenvelden die stukje bij beetje zijn hoop en geloof tot op het bot zullen slopen.
Zelfs Peter Klene (getuige bij zijn huwelijk) zal hem laten vallen als een baksteen, want Klene wordt betaald en dus bepaalt.

Het is bovendien niet te rijmen dat, ondanks het feit dat zijn ouders door de NAK zijn geschoffeerd, hij doodleuk doet alsof er niets aan de hand is.
Hebben we mischien te maken met iemand die van zeer opportunistische aard is?
Het lachen zal hem snel vergaan. Hij is gewaarschuwd.
